Poppies Looking Up Canvas

Poppies Looking Up Canvas

from $46.00

When you are on your knees studying the shape of the poppies, it is rewarding to look at them from underneath. You will be awestruck when you realize that the poppy is perfectly shaped to catch and hold the sun’s rays like a bowl.

Please note that the mockup shown here may not reflect the final cropping required for the size you choose. Canvas will cause the image to appear softer. Please email us if you want a different size than what is listed or if you need more information about what a specific size will look like. Also, please contact us directly at Bruce@petalportraits.com if you need an additional price for stretching and mounting the canvas, and shipping to you already on a frame.

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There are few things more satisfying and more rectifying than to see the Arizona desert so boldly demonstrate its passion for life as it does in the Spring after well-timed and well-measured winter rains. The hillsides especially can be blanketed with long vistas of yellow and orange as the poppies have their days in the sun.

To really appreciate the visual extravaganza this is, you have to get close. You have to feel the earth with your knees in order to change your focus from the broad view to the single flower, knowing that when you observe the play of shadows on the petals and the way a tiny beam of Light illuminates the innermost parts of this flower, you will be touched. You will smile at the realization that even in the harshest conditions, being touched by the Light sustains all life.

Please check out all the other Poppy Notecards, Fine Art Prints or Canvas Prints shown below: